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Greenfoot back
winsticknova wrote ...


Getting a method to work

winsticknova winsticknova


I have a method in my world that changes the speed of my actor depending on how many points I have, but I cant get it to work because I need to put the method in my actor first. this is in my world: if(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1000) < enemySpawnRate) { Enemy e = new Enemy(); e.setSpeed(enemySpeed); addObject(e, Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth() - 20)+ 5, -30); scoreboard.addScore(5); } and i need to put setSpeed in my actor. what should the setSpeed method look like?
GreenHouse GreenHouse


// in your actor
public void setSpeed(int speed) {

  // do something here

this way?
winsticknova winsticknova


thanks! i got it to work. was a lot simpler than i thought it was
MontclairState MontclairState


What are you suppose to write in the "//do something here"?
MontclairState MontclairState


This is what i put but it doesn't work it just adds the enemySpeed to the Y value once and the enemies just stay in one spot and don't continually fall towards the bottom.
public void setSpeed(int enemySpeed)
		setLocation(getX(), getY()+enemySpeed);
danpost danpost


The body you added to the method does not set the speed of the actor (it moves the actor down by the speed given). You need a statement that sets the speed of the actor (assigns the given value to the field that represents the speed of the actor)..
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