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kiarocks wrote ...


Getting an old scenario

kiarocks kiarocks


I'm wondering if it would be possible to let users grab the source of one of their scenarios that they haven't made the source available, but only to them. I've had a few instances of this happening to me, where I've accidentally removed the project and it now only exists on the website.
Sadly, you can't do this. Unless you added the source, you can't download it.
danpost danpost


You will need to run a decompiler on the particular files. Which scenarios, in particular, are you referring to?
kiarocks kiarocks


My slingshot scenario is on my broken computer, which is still alive, but the project is gone. I know I can run the decompiler, this is more of a feature request of sorts.
davmac davmac


It's not physically possible. If you didn't choose to share the source code, then the source code wasn't uploaded and it's not on the server. We don't have it, so there's no way we can give it to you.
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