Hey guys,
got a new problem, what else..
This time I want that after I´ve clicked the Object, a movie appears (it isn´t actually a movie, it´s more like many pictures in a loop), then after the movie appears it should wait, lets say, 5 sec and then change the world.
All works fine, except changing the world.
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Bombe here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Bombe extends Actor { public int iTime = 0; public int iZeit = 0; public int itimeTillDetonation = 0; GreenfootSound soundb = new GreenfootSound("C&C Generals music (GLA Battle Theme 1).wav"); GreenfootSound soundc = new GreenfootSound("GameOver.wav"); /** * Act - do whatever the Bombe wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { explosion(); itimeTillDetonation++; iTime++; iZeit++; } public void explosion() { soundb.play(); //Spiele Hintergrundmusik if(iTime > 1200) // Soll die Hintergrund nach ca. einer Minute stoppen { soundb.stop(); } movie movie = new movie(); GameOver GameOver = new GameOver(); if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) //Wenn die Bombe angeglickt wird dann... { getWorld().removeObject(this); // ...soll sie entfernt werden soundb.stop(); //...soll die Musik entfernen } else //ansonsten... if(itimeTillDetonation > 200) //... soll nach ca. 4 Sek. ... { soundb.stop(); //... die Hintergrundmusik gestoppt werden, soundc.play(); //... ein neuer Sound abgespielt werden, getWorld().addObject(movie, 670, 440); //... ein Video hinzugefügt werden getWorld().removeObject(this); //... und die Bombe soll entfernt werden if(iZeit > 210) { Greenfoot.setWorld(GameOver); } } } }