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dimas_ant wrote ...


reading and displaying information

dimas_ant dimas_ant


hello, my name is Dimas, I am a Brazilian student and I am starting to use the greenfoot, I'm trying to develop a program that can read numbers from the keyboard and then display the program. In the forum I saw people using System.out.println mutas, but the program opens a window and repeat several times the text, like a loop when I try to get some data I use but he nextInt display msg and naum receive texts. I would ask if anyone has any tips, also when I have several actors have as I move the program from one to the other?   (Excuse the text, translation google translator)
danpost danpost


To read characters into your program, use the method 'getKey' from the Greenfoot class API. To display the characters, use 'drawString' to draw the characters on a GreenfootImage object that is being displayed or create a new GreenfootImage of the character and use 'drawImage' to draw the image on a displayed image, or create a new image and a new object and have that object display the image. Look over the classes provided within the greenfoot package -- particularly in the Greenfoot and GreenfootImage classes. You do not have to memorize everything; just familiarize yourself with what constructors and methods are available and know how to reference them when needed.
dimas_ant dimas_ant


thanks for the tip, tried to do so, but it did not work. I tried to do the following: I made a variable h = 0, and when you press button 1 h sum. when tightening t, the total should appear h. I though the code appears random numbers attached the following code: (And once again sorry for the english google) import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; /** * Write a description of class Exit here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Exit extends Actor { private int h=0; /** * Act - do whatever the Exit wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("h")){ h++; } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("t")) { GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage(200, 300); img.setColor(Color.BLACK); float fontSize = 35.0f; Font font = img.getFont(); font = font.deriveFont(fontSize); img.setFont(font); img.setFont(font); img.drawString("o total é " + h, 30, 20); setImage(img); } } }
danpost danpost


String key = Greenfoot.getKey();
if ("h".equals(key)) h++;
if ("t".equals(key)) {
    // rest of code
dimas_ant dimas_ant


Use this code where? in place of which part?
dimas_ant dimas_ant


thank you so much, I could do if you want to place a button is click on a certain object how to do?
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