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Greenfoot back
g3o wrote ...


Source Code?

g3o g3o


How do I download peoples scenarios? I can view the source code in my browser, but I don't think it contains the game's source code for Greenfoot scenarios. Am I missing something?
danpost danpost


When you download a scenario from the site, it in a '.gfar' file. Just open the Greenfoot application and select 'Scenario>Open...' from the menubar and select that file. It will build the folder for that scenario for you (and open it in the application).
g3o g3o


Thanks Dan! I will attempt this man. I'll keep you posted on my success or failure of this simple process! :)
g3o g3o


Where is the "download" button at? I do not see anywhere to actually download the scenario's is the problem. Once I have it, I can open it, I just need to know where exactly is the "DOWNLOAD" button this website? It only opens them in the browser. Once it's open, that's it, nothing but run and restart buttons :/
JetLennit JetLennit


Well they may not have opened the source
The button says "Open in Greenfoot". That will download the file.
And the person should have allowed the scenario to be downloaded.
SPower SPower


And just a little advice: if the source isn't posted, first read through the comments too see if people already asked for it, so don't ask it again.
g3o g3o


Okay. Thanks everyone. I noticed this very thing that you guys are saying. That not everyone has "Open in Greenfoot" on their page. Which was the issue I was having. As I was just clicking one program to try and run it. After opening others, I noticed something that I had not seen before, which was what I missing here. It was just hard to figure out the one game I was trying to download and having not opened any others. Problem solved, thanks again guys.
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