I am using little crab 5 from the book senarios.
My dad, who is an instructor at my school, bet me that i cant do these and he would be right.
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to explain to me how you do this. I am a novice programmer and i am taking my dads class next semster and i really wanna be a head of the ball game.
1. Automatically populate the world with 40 Worms and 3 Crabs, all randomly placed.
2. Set the initial worms eaten (on the Crabs) to a random number between 5 and 10.
3. Each time a Crabs move it uses 1/10 of a Worm worth of energy.
4. Once a Crab has reached zero Worms eaten, it dies and disappears from the world.
5. The Crabs shall move in a random pattern (without key controls) and eat Worms.
6. Let the Crabs move through the world and eat Worms.
7. Stop the game once all the Worms have been eaten or all the Crabs have died.