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CreepingFuRbalL wrote ...


Need help

CreepingFuRbalL CreepingFuRbalL


I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some help on a maze game im thinking of making im new to programming so i was hoping someone may be able to give me some help
Zamoht Zamoht


What do you have so far? How do you want the game to be? Maybe you can compare what you want to my puzzle game .
CreepingFuRbalL CreepingFuRbalL


I have made or even started the maze game so far its for a school prject but i decided to take the game making a level further as my goal is to become a software devloper so i want to widen my skills with prgramming so i though a maze game would be a good way to start that off
CreepingFuRbalL CreepingFuRbalL


JasonZhu JasonZhu


I think it would be best off for you to start on the maze and if you happen to encounter any difficulties, our fellow coders could provide you help to the best of our abilities.
CreepingFuRbalL CreepingFuRbalL


Hey sorry but im not realy sure how i would begin or what coding i would use to make the maze game itself
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