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Mishti wrote ...


Greenfoot from One Computer to Another

Mishti Mishti


How do I make the Greenfoot code in one computer to work on a different computer.
What do you mean? It should work on all computers, as long as you have both the Java IDE and greenfoot installed on the ones you use. It's java, so writing code on one computer works on all computers with java.
Mishti Mishti


I mean that I have a path set in Greenfoot, but the same path won't work on a different computer
mjrb4 mjrb4


Make sure your paths are relative to the project directory rather than absolute - if you're using images for instance, put them in the image folder in your project folder and reference them from there. If you're using absolute paths, then it becomes very difficult or impossible to make your application portable.
Kartoffelbrot Kartoffelbrot


I don't know, if this is what you want, but you can install Dropbox and unlock files for other users.
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