Hey guys,
So this is my first project I´ve to do by myself.
Basicly I´m doing something like an ego shooter.
The game is about like this.
You are the Scope and you´ve to shoot randomly appearing object, but the object disappears after some seconds so you´ve to be fast because the game is after one or two minutes over. The destroyed object will be counted during the game- like a score.
What I´ve already:
- if I press the mouse, muzzle fire appears
- if I release the mouse, the muzzle fire disappears
- if I click on the object I want to destroy, an image of the exploding object appears
What I don´t know how to do:
- How the object can randomly appear after a certain time and if it hasn´t been shot, disappear after 1/2 sec
- How the object, after it has been clicked (shot on) on, disappears.