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Using counter.class for life and score

davemib123 davemib123


I have the counter.class to work for adding score. But how do I get the counter to show the number of lives at 3? I have this in the world class to generate the counter in the world:
scoreCounter = new Counter ("Score");
        addObject(scoreCounter, 1035, 21);
        lifeCounter = new Counter ("Life");
        addObject(lifeCounter, 1027, 51);
Scenario with source added:
davemib123 davemib123


Nevermind, got this sorted.
davemib123 davemib123


I have the life subtracted when Goomba collides with Mario but how do I get Mario to reset himself to the first location?
davemib123 davemib123


I've tried by restting the world, but this does not give the desired effect.
djsat djsat


inicializa scoreCounter asi: public Counter scoreCounter; luego para acceder a los métodos del contador, si quieres incrementar ; scoreCounter.add(); hasta ahí tienes el decremento tienes editar los métodos contenidos en la clase Counter y añadir uno nuevo; si quieres mas pistas te digo
Zamoht Zamoht


Save Mario's start location somewhere and then set Mario's location to that when you want to reset.
davemib123 davemib123


Zamoht wrote...
Save Mario's start location somewhere and then set Mario's location to that when you want to reset.
Would I save the start location in World or in Mario?
Zamoht Zamoht


Create two ints in the world. int marioStartX; int marioStartY; And then in the setupLevel you should remember to set these to the location that you add Mario to. Then you can create a reset method which set Mario's location to the start location. Though you can also add these ints to the Mario class, I doesn't really matter. So just put them where you have the easiest access to them when you need them.
davemib123 davemib123


Thanks Zamoht. I've created the ints, and placed them in the setupLevel. Could you elaborate on the reset method?
Zamoht Zamoht


It really depends on how much you want to reset, is it only Mario? is it Mario and enemies? is it Mario, enemies and coins? If it's only Mario, you can easily create a reset method which would look something like this: public void reset() { setLocation(marioStartX, marioStartY); } If you saved the integers in Mario. If you have them in the world the code would look like this: public void reset() { WorldClassNameHere world = (WorldClassNameHere) getWorld(); setLocation(world.marioStartX, world.marioStartY); }
davemib123 davemib123


ace that works great.
davemib123 davemib123


Zamoht, I suppose if i wanted to reset Mario, enemies and coins that would be a method directly in the world class?
Zamoht Zamoht


It would make good sense to put that in the world class, yes.
davemib123 davemib123


Thanks for the suggestion. I got it done within Mario class. I was about to ask for some support but managed to get it working fine.
Zamoht Zamoht


Good :) Just ask if you need any help.
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