when I compile my game I get the following error - cannot find symbol - method prepare(). Can I get help
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class SettingsScreen here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class SettingsScreen extends World { public static Boolean soundOn = true; // public static int soundVolume = 100; public static Boolean mouseControlOn = true; // public static void playsound(String soundFileName) // { // if (Settings.mouseControlOn) // Greenfoot.playSound(soundFileName); // } /** * Constructor for objects of class SettingsScreen */ public SettingsScreen() { // Create a new world with 700 x 700 cells with a cell size o 1x1 pixels super(700, 700, 1); addObject (new ReturnBackButton(), 130, 650); addObject (new ContinueButton(), 570, 650); addObject (new Label ("SoundToggleLabel.png"), 280, 160); addObject (new SoundToggleButton(), 330, 160); addObject (new Label ("KbMouseToggleLabel.png"), 280, 260); addObject (new KeyboardMouseToggleButton(), 330, 260); prepare(); { } } }