This is in regard to danpost's scenario, Scrolling Super World.
I've been trying to get my actor to start at the far left edge of the world. As it is at the moment, the actor will instantiate at what seems to be the very middle of the world. I was suggested some code that would solve this issue, but I got an error - cannot find symbol - method getUnivX(int).
This my code for instantiating the actor.
This is all in my Environment, which is a subclass of SWorld, which is a subclass of the World.
Player player = new Player(); setMainActor(new Player(), 100, 342); mainActor.setLocation(100, 342); GreenfootImage bg = new GreenfootImage("background.png"); setScrollingBackground(bg); // set the scolling background image int leftOffset = -getUnivX(player.getX()); player.move(leftOffset);