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Duta wrote ...


Non-Static method cannot be referenced from a static context

Duta Duta


So basically I'm making Space Invaders (because I just made Pong so I decided to make another arcade game), and I'm getting this error. I have this code in my class for the bullet the spaceship (that you control) fires.
public class Bullet extends MyActors
    public void act() 
        if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space")) {
    public void fire()
        Space.addObject(new Bullet(), (Spaceship.getX()), (Spaceship.getY()));
When I try to compile, I get the error message:
Non-Static method getX() cannot be referenced from a static context
How do I get around this? (Space is my World, and Spaceship is... well my spaceship). The reason I'm doing this is because the bullet then starts at the spaceship and then (once I code it) it will move upwards until it hits the enemies. Lol I feel retarded, this is such a simple problem but my brains dead :/
Duta Duta


Changed the fire() method to this but still no luck:
public void fire()
        int x = Spaceship.getX();
        int y = Spaceship.getY();
        getWorld().addObject(new Bullet(), x, y);
kiarocks kiarocks


one, you will either 1) get a Null Pointer Exception or 2) not be able to fire unless there is already a bullet there. So to fix this, put the act code and fire method into the spaceship class.
actinium actinium


If space is your world subclass then maybe Space s = (Space)getWorld(); then use public void fire() { s.addObject(new Bullet(), (Spaceship.getX()), (Spaceship.getY())); } maybe, not sure, im new
Duta Duta


I've removed that code from the bullet class, and put it in the space class. The code is now:
public void addBullets()
        int x = Spaceship.getX();
        int y = Spaceship.getY();

        addObject(new Bullet(), x, y);
And obviously I changed the bullet classes act method to call Space.addBullets() rather than fire() Still no luck (although I didn't expect it to come with this change... I can't remember how to do this and its really frustrating me because I have done it before). Btw don't think I'm just sitting around until I can fix this - I've done a lot of other coding for the Space Invaders game while I've been waiting to either figure it out or someone to post and explain.
Duta Duta


Oops, hadn't noticed the replies. I will try kiarocks approach (and if that doesn't work I'll try actiniums, although I don't see how that would make it work)
Duta Duta


Thanks kiarocks, that worked. I have no idea why I didn't think of that before >.<
kiarocks kiarocks


you're welcome
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