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Greenfoot back
-nic- wrote ...



-nic- -nic-


i got this error
public void act()
  if (Bosshealth.getValue()==1500)
i get the error=non static method getValue() cannot be referanced from a static context ?????
SPower SPower


Can you show the code for getValue(), I think the error is there.
-nic- -nic-


public int getValue() {return value;}
thats in the Bosshealth class
SPower SPower


In which class did you write:
public void act()  
      if (Bosshealth.getValue()==1500)  
-nic- -nic-


the Boss class
SPower SPower


Now I know what you did wrong. The Boss class has no acces to the Bosshealth object in the world. You have to do this via your world. Do this: 1)Add this variable to your world:
private Bosshealth bossHealth;
2)Give this a value in yourWorld()
public yourWorld()
....add some objects to the world.....
bossHealth = new Bosshealth();
3)add this method to your world:
public Bosshealth getBossHealth()
return bossHealth;
4)Change act() in Boss to this:
public void act()
Yourworld world = (Yourwold) getWorld();
      if (world.getBossHealth.getValue()==1500)    
-nic- -nic-


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D thank you soo much ivbeen scratching my head trying to do this well all i got to do now is do it 150 times :(
-nic- -nic-


it says cannot find symbol- consructure Bosshealth()
danpost danpost


If Bosshealth is an Actor class, and Boss (obviously) is an Actor class, then, in the world class, create the Bosshealth object first (with (2) above),
Bosshealth bosshealth = new Bosshealth();
then when you create the Boss object, send it the reference to the Bosshealth object.
Boss boss = new Boss(bosshealth);
You will have to write a constructor in the Boss class that recieves a Bosshealth object as a parameter.
private Bosshealth bosshealth;

public Boss(Bosshealth health)
    bosshealth = health;
At this point, you should be able to call methods and retrieve information from the bosshealth object
if (bosshealth.getValue()==1500)
From your last post, it appears you do not have a constructor method in your Bosshealth class. You should have something that looks like the following (or at least starts with the first line)
public Bosshealth()
    // code that creates the Bosshealth object image, sets an image to it, or nothing (if an image is already assigned)
    // any code that may be needed to prepare the object for its existence.
-nic- -nic-


this is in the Bosshealth class=
public Bosshealth(String refText, String unitType,int initValue, int maxValue)
{referenceText = refText;
unitOfMeasure = unitType;
maximumValue = maxValue;
but it still says ==cannot find symbol- consructure Bosshealth()==
danpost danpost


So, the compiler is NOT finding the constructor 'Bosshealth()', although, it does find 'Bosshealth(String, String, int, int)'. It cannot find the constructor with NO parameters. Your Bosshealth constructor takes 4 parameters (two String and two int). When you create it, you need to supply those values.
Bosshealth bosshealth = new Bosshealth("Boss", "health points", 50, 50);
The above was just an example. The values supplied should be altered to match what you want.
-nic- -nic-


hand on forehead its allredy there oh i am so dum thank you :{)
-nic- -nic-


ok its working all i got to do now is write if (Bosshealth.getValue()==1500) {setImage("150")} 150 times yay
SPower SPower


Why don't you use a for loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
       if (Bosshealth.getValue() == i *10) {
This will do this:
if (Bosshealth.getValue() == 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 etc.) {
    setImage("0" or "1" or "2" or "3" etc.);
I hope this helps
-nic- -nic-


what oh any way ive done it now :)
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