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IsaacIIV wrote ...


How do i use java.util.List's

IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


hello, i'm fairly new to Greenfoot and haven't used lists before. Could someone please tell me how to use the method 'getObjectsInRange(int radius, java.lang.Class cls)' and how to use the output - maybe some sort of actor array ?
danpost danpost


If you are going throught the "list" to do specific things at that time, you could use
for ((class) a : getObjectsInRange(radius, class))
    // code to execute
where 'class' is changed to whatever actor class you wish to cast each item in the 'list' that getObjectsInRange returns (or whatever class you specify in that method). Note: for just re-locating, or removing the items in the returned list 'Object' can be used in place of 'class'. (in other words, they would not have to be cast to the specific actor). Hope this helps. If not, please post back with more specifics on what you need.
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


Thanks but i'm still a little confused. I'm trying to get a single actor in range that is an instance on an actor called 'enemy' and i'm not sure what to put instead of 'class'?
kiarocks kiarocks


for(Enemy e : getObjectsInRange(10,Enemy.class)

danpost danpost


If you are just checking to see in one is in range, use
if (!getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).isEmpty())
If you need a reference to an Enemy class object in range, continue with
    Enemy enemy = getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).get(0);
    // do stuff with 'enemy'
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


I tried 'Enemy enemy = getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).get(0); ' but i got an error 'incompatible types - found java.lang.Object but expected Enemy' ?
Duta Duta


IsaacIIV wrote...
I tried 'Enemy enemy = getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).get(0); ' but i got an error 'incompatible types - found java.lang.Object but expected Enemy' ?
Do this:
Enemy enemy = (Enemy) getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).get(0);
The (Enemy) in brackets is known as a cast and what it is doing is turning getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class).get(0) (which is a reference on an Object, which is a class all objects inherit from) into an Enemy
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


Thanks, thats working great. Is there a way of checking if there is an object in range as i am getting Index out of Bounds errors?
danpost danpost


That error is probably due to the fact that no enemies where found in range and trying to get an item from an empty list will throw that error. If you first check to see if the list 'isEmpty()' as I said above, and then, if not empty, get your reference, you will avoid the error.
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


THANK YOU ALL - code is working great :)
davmac davmac


Best practice solution is to do the query only once and save the result in a variable:
import java.util.List; // at the top of the source file!


        List<Enemy> l = getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class);
        if (! l.isEmpty()) {
            Enemy e = l.get(0);
            // ...
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


How do i cast 'getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)' into an Enemy in a loop ? for (Enemy a : getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)) { // code to execute }
TheNightStrider TheNightStrider


IsaacIIV wrote...
How do i cast 'getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)' into an Enemy in a loop ? for (Enemy a : getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)) { // code to execute }
I am not quite sure what exactly you are trying to do. Using that List<Enemy> l = getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class); if(!l.isEmpty()){ for(int i=0;i<=(l.size());i++){ Enemy e = l.get(i); //do stuff with enemy e! }} I think that is what you need to do. (Hopefully I have written that out right!). If you need any more info, check out this link HERE This assumes a lists index starts at 0, not 1.
davmac davmac


How do i cast 'getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)' into an Enemy in a loop ?
for (Enemy a : (List<Enemy>) getObjectsInRange(10, Enemy.class)) {
    // code to execute
IsaacIIV IsaacIIV


Thanks Davmac - thats exactly what i wanted.
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