how do you creat a counter that counts down from 30 seconds when the game is started??
public void Counter() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
public void act() { if (startTime != 0 && startTime <= System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000) //the 30000 part means 30 seconds { startTime = 0; doSomething(); } }
public void doSomething() { Greenfoot.stop(); }
public void act() { if (startTime != 0 && startTime <= System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000) //the 30000 part means 30 seconds { startTime = 0; doSomething(); } }
private boolean reached30secs = false; public void act() { if (reached30secs = false && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= 30000) { doSomething(); reached30secs = true; } }
private long startTime;