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sp33dy wrote ...


Greenfoot Update *Suggestion*

sp33dy sp33dy


Has anyone asked for a Scale method in Actor ?? I've implemented my own, but have been asked by the kids in the class I'm helping. It'd be great if the extra code could be put into the Actor class, reusing the GreenfootImage class. Most of the kids just want to add an image, turn, move and scale! Thoughts??? I'm happy to supply code, although I doubt that is needed.
davmac davmac


Just use getImage().scale(...), but be aware of this ticket.
sp33dy sp33dy


Yep, I was aware of that problem ticket (as I encountered it when I first tried scaling). I also agree that using scale on the image works. However, with a fresh class of school kids, it's easier to get them to use scale on the Actor and it works it all out, rather than having to understand getting the image, scaling it and then having to do some recalculations in the Actor. For now, I am going to give them my subclass of Actor and then getting them to subclass that. Not really idea. As I say, the kids first wishes are: to Place an Actor, make it turn, make it move, make it scale and then look into collision. At the moment, they have cleverly thought of going back to paint and scaling up/down a set they need. Happy to have this idea rejected, but it seems obvious and clear to me; especially given the ticket.. This isn't supposed to be a gripe, moan or demand; purely a request based on observation with kids aged 11 - 16..
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