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Scenarios tagged: tutorial

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play Snake Game
plays 19457 / votes 5

Snake Game

by qnanqing, 2010/10/10

a Realy simple snake game

play Value Display Tutorial
plays 11931 / votes 12

Value Display Tutorial

by danpost, 2015/9/2

Tutorial showing how a value can be displayed

play snake
plays 1949 / votes 0


by bayu1233212, 2017/5/10

play WombatRock
plays 1881 / votes 0


by tbayless2, 2016/11/13

Completed Tutorial

play modern-crab
plays 2302 / votes 0


by tbayless2, 2016/11/11

Completed Tutorial

play Japanese Typing Game
plays 2764 / votes 0

Japanese Typing Game

by tibuurcio, 2016/5/24

Japanese Typing Game Tutorial

play minesweeper
plays 4274 / votes 0


by tibuurcio, 2016/3/21

simple minesweeper tutorial

play Bugs
plays 2266 / votes 0


by Geno007, 2014/9/25

Classroom Tutorial

play Bobby Snakes - Devoxx4kids
plays 3667 / votes 0

Bobby Snakes - Devoxx4kids

by didier.pirottin, 2013/10/5

Snake game