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Scenarios tagged: swing

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play JComponents
plays 2292 / votes 0


by Duta, 2012/6/5

Embed JComponents into your world canvas!

play helloinputbox
plays 3926 / votes 1


by m.capurso, 2011/9/7

This scenario teaches to use an Inputbox similar to the one in Visual Basic using Swing

play helloMsgBox
plays 4368 / votes 0


by m.capurso, 2011/9/7

This scenario shows how to open a MessageBox in Greenfoot using Swing

play Animated GIF Creator
plays 6322 / votes 1

Animated GIF Creator

by PiRocks, 2010/9/26

Create an animated gif.

play Greenfoot GUI
plays 5627 / votes 1

Greenfoot GUI

by PiRocks, 2010/9/7

A greenfoot version of swing.