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Scenarios tagged: smapluspgri

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play alien hunter
plays 3468 / votes 0

alien hunter

by, 2009/1/31

defeat alien !

play Prince-Of-Cibinong
plays 13896 / votes 0


by muhidin, 2009/1/13

How to safe Princess

play Triguna-Dragon Ball 7
plays 3743 / votes 1

Triguna-Dragon Ball 7

by tri_guna, 2009/2/28

take the 7 dragon balls and change into my super human

play 0revised-{Preschian}Bomberman?
plays 5528 / votes 1


by muhidin, 2009/2/7

play fairy n angel 1
plays 3015 / votes 0

fairy n angel 1

by rIdHa_FeRa, 2009/1/29

want to save the fairy angel, but many obstacles / enemies or that impede the robot

play First Time Shoot
plays 3114 / votes 0

First Time Shoot

by hilman, 2009/1/27

shoot with the appropriate coin and apple

play Air Plane
plays 4471 / votes 1

Air Plane

by, 2009/1/31

just a normal game, nothing special

play 0revised-alien hunter
plays 3136 / votes 0

0revised-alien hunter

by, 2009/1/31

alien shoot as much as possible, and get the value of as much as possible ^.^

play Race to moon 2
plays 3027 / votes 0

Race to moon 2

by Yudhistira, 2009/1/29

race to reach the moon first