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Scenarios tagged: physics

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play Tanks 2019
plays 3309 / votes 0

Tanks 2019

by Kostya20052011, 2020/5/24

Game about tanks

play TimeTravel v1
plays 1144 / votes 0

TimeTravel v1

by Kecraft, 2020/11/9

A game like the connection-disconnected chrome dino game !!!

play things go brrrrrrrr
plays 1312 / votes 0

things go brrrrrrrr

by Rottlo, 2020/11/7


play Pong
plays 1793 / votes 2


by SwagGrandma, 2020/10/14

Bounce a ball and win by getting 8 points!

play Kaleidoscope
plays 3762 / votes 1


by danpost, 2012/4/13

Fun fractal image design patterns

play Wave Pulse
plays 4888 / votes 9

Wave Pulse

by danpost, 2013/1/8

Variations on a wave pulsator. Click changes world. UP/DN arrow changes apparent speed.

play Pong Pinball
plays 6966 / votes 4

Pong Pinball

by danpost, 2013/2/5

A cross between pong and pinball with good detection and perfect bounce. Now with documented source.

play Our Inner Solar System
plays 5109 / votes 6

Our Inner Solar System

by danpost, 2013/7/26

A simulation of the orbits of the first four planets closest to the sun.

play Rail Game
plays 5251 / votes 6

Rail Game

by danpost, 2013/12/2

A game where you control the height of both ends of a rail to guide a ball to the target hole.