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Scenarios tagged: objetos

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play psi wars 4.1
plays 1961 / votes 0

psi wars 4.1

by larg5847, 2014/5/30

an upload fixing the enemies attack (an unfair power of attack)

play psi wars 4
plays 2016 / votes 0

psi wars 4

by larg5847, 2014/5/30

turn based strategy game

play 314-gravity-race
plays 3433 / votes 1


by Castordera, 2012/5/28

[Esp]Maneja el vehiculo y cuidado con los obstaculos. [Eng]Drives the car and careful with the obstacles.

play JetMan
plays 3981 / votes 1


by cesargiza, 2012/5/28

Escapa esquivando los obstaculos

play 258-Plane Travels
plays 2562 / votes 0

258-Plane Travels

by AdrianCerda, 2012/5/28

Batalla por los cielos

play 269 Plaguicida
plays 2648 / votes 0

269 Plaguicida

by alejs, 2012/5/28

Elimina a todos los insectos de cada nivel