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Scenarios tagged: mouse

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play Total Infestation
plays 5329 / votes 1

Total Infestation

by danpost, 2011/10/26

Try to fill each successively larger grid. Less clicks, more score!

play MilliSecond Timer
plays 8459 / votes 3

MilliSecond Timer

by danpost, 2012/1/11

Sample millisecond timer with source plus comments

play menu class
plays 7995 / votes 10

menu class

by danpost, 2012/2/14

A simple re-usable menu and sub-menu class combination.

play Equation Grapher
plays 4837 / votes 7

Equation Grapher

by danpost, 2012/3/17

Equation grapher with entry mode

play Color Coordination
plays 3470 / votes 2

Color Coordination

by danpost, 2012/4/23

Find the exact color or colors you want.

play Barriers and Bars
plays 8517 / votes 9

Barriers and Bars

by danpost, 2012/5/15

Demo on using barriers and bars

play Timed scrolling
plays 5210 / votes 3

Timed scrolling

by danpost, 2012/7/4

6 worlds with different tile counts to make the scrolling background, giving frames per second.

play Game of Life (Conway's)
plays 6143 / votes 5

Game of Life (Conway's)

by danpost, 2012/8/31

My sim of Conway's Game of Life with special features.

play Pendulum Demo
plays 4474 / votes 2

Pendulum Demo

by danpost, 2012/10/10

A demonstration of a pendulum in action.