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Scenarios tagged: fade

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play screenSize
plays 4225 / votes 2


by Yehuda, 2017/5/5

UserInfo tests. Now it has my custom made Scores class.

play screenSize (relocated)
plays 2415 / votes 0

screenSize (relocated)

by Nosson1459, 2017/1/30

Relocated to:

play Screensaver
plays 3191 / votes 2


by trimil, 2016/4/29

A simple screensaver-like program

play bounce
plays 2315 / votes 0


by User, 2016/4/18

A game where balls bounce

play Bubbles
plays 2641 / votes 0


by Redhand, 2016/4/13

Click the World to see colorful bubbles that fade away.

play BoucyBalls
plays 2169 / votes 0


by BearsFan529, 2016/4/18

Add colorful balls by clicking and watch them slowly fade away

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 2542 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by macandcheese, 2016/4/18

In this game one can click around on the screen and bubbles with all different sizes and transparencies appear.

play Midi Animation
plays 6290 / votes 1

Midi Animation

by jagrosh, 2013/5/3

Play any .mid song!