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Scenarios tagged: cops

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play Police Vs. Robber- The Ultimate Battle
plays 2224 / votes 0

Police Vs. Robber- The Ultimate Battle

by coolcat1, 2017/12/14

Don't get caught by the cops, collect gas, escape and win

play Cop Car Chase 2
plays 2429 / votes 0

Cop Car Chase 2

by coolcat1, 2017/12/1

As the robber, you are running from the cops, don't get caught or you will crash.

play Cop Car Chase
plays 2057 / votes 0

Cop Car Chase

by coolcat1, 2017/11/27

Don't get caught by the cops and collect gas

play Cops and Robber
plays 1996 / votes 0

Cops and Robber

by CowGoesMoo, 2017/5/5

The cop needs to shoot the robber.

play Cops&Burgers
plays 3868 / votes 3


by vjeromez, 2012/1/25

capture rouge criminals with BURGERS!

play Against The Law
plays 3397 / votes 1

Against The Law

by travikouliaris, 2010/8/23

Throwing different stuff to the cops.