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Scenarios tagged: contest

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play National Contest - Junior Exercise Two
plays 3669 / votes 1

National Contest - Junior Exercise Two

by erdelf, 2012/11/12

play National Contest - Exercise Five
plays 2810 / votes 0

National Contest - Exercise Five

by erdelf, 2012/11/15

play National Contest - Exercise Three
plays 2792 / votes 0

National Contest - Exercise Three

by erdelf, 2012/11/12

play National contest - Junior Exercise One
plays 2657 / votes 0

National contest - Junior Exercise One

by erdelf, 2012/11/12

play SuperBot Challenge Scenario Files
plays 3513 / votes 1

SuperBot Challenge Scenario Files

by superbotchallenge, 2009/9/23

Programming competition and scholarship opportunity presented by Neumont University