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So this was my experiment once when influenced to play with primes a couple hours from a math class.

To the left is a graph of a particular distribution of the first 1900 primes.

PrimeUtil CLASS:
Stores a growing list of known primes.
Can check if a given integer is a prime.
Can retrieve the i'th prime.
Can determine the result of the pi function (prime-counting function) of a given double.
Updates list of primes as needed for queries.

Checking a candidate for the next prime (to be added to growing list) has running time: n (the size of the growing list of known primes)

Determining an integer is prime has running time: lg n (binary search) *

Evaluating pi has running time: lg n (binary search) *

*not including running time of finding next primes when list is insufficient.

2334 views / 5 in the last 7 days

Tags: with-source gui bourne primes prime

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