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Hello all my fellow APUSH students! I programmed this quiz for you to help practice for the Presidential quiz. This quiz is set up exactly like the quiz our teacher will give us, with a random fact from each president blanked out.
Make sure you have the most updated version of Java installed on your computer. The program won't work without it. Go here if you don't have it:
To fill in the blank, click on the question, a window will pop up. Type in your answer, then press "Enter" (Or "Return" if you use a Mac). You will find out if you got the answer right or wrong. You don't need to worry about capitalization with your answer. Only write the last name of the president (unless two presidents have the same last name, add an initial (ex: "F. Roosevelt") and in the case of John Quincy Adams, write "J. Q. Adams", and the case of George H. W. Bush, write "G. W. Bush". When writing dates, write in this format: (yyyy-yyyy).
Political Parties:
If you notice any bugs that I haven't seen, or have any comments, email me at
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This scenario is a member of: Reusable Code from FRUP, APUSH Presidential Quiz Study Tools
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