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Greenfoot back

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dang presents ...



I have computer club students that do projects
in Scratch from - I thought it
would be interesting to see how much
similarity projects between scratch and
greenfoot could have. We'll see how it goes,
this is a start.

3952 views / 20 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo with-source scratch programming computerclub

open in greenfoot
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Sounds like an interesting project, hope it goes well! At the moment this scenario doesn't add any objects by default though hence the blank world on the gallery. If you're after how to add the objects you can have a look here: Hope that helps :-)


Right, I was trying to add objects by default, but was having issues with greenfoot 1.5.4 not allowing initialization of the MidiPlayer class in the constructor of the world (scratch actors will need access to sound / midi). Thanks for the pointer, I'll try to work out what the issue is and avoid a blank world. Best regards, -- DanG

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