Gets really addicting, and I'm not saying that because I sit right next to him. :p
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 14 20:18:40 UTC 2013
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 20 15:22:12 UTC 2013
Now with guns, enemies, a pause function(the button 'r') and working score and reset
all but the ghost, I was tired and didn't want to make the ghost image xD but the guns and everything else is mine, made simple shapes for that reason. I actually submitted a Greenfoot game to the 2013 National Stem Video Game challenge, if I am not a winner I will also upload that scenario, all images in that were designed by me
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 20 16:00:14 UTC 2013
Attempt to fix the lag, changed calling of images
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 21 01:33:49 UTC 2013
Now added text when the game is paused
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 21 13:32:12 UTC 2013
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 21 14:20:22 UTC 2013
source code is now released as the game is due tomorrow, I will probably add a menu screen with a help function in order for people to see instructions later, code is all commented, if anyone has questions on how I did something or future improvements of code feel free to post so
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 22 12:19:25 UTC 2013
changed speed of platforms to make them travel slower in the start, allowing for possibility of getting to a higher score