Yes, that's in the description, I just wanted to see what I could do for now. I want this to be as good as it can get, so I will be making good pictures for this eventually.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 23 01:36:05 UTC 2013
Added a randomly spawning "page" (it's a face)
Added a tracker that tells you where the page is.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 23 03:06:11 UTC 2013
Your flashlight will make slender vibrate. (At least its something) And yes, he doesn't do that when you look away.
If you set the paint order so the beam and the phone are painted last, your robot will only show when the light is on him.
setPaintOrder(Telephone.class, Beam.class);
Also, the graphics will be updated to better, more realistic pictures.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 23 23:30:07 UTC 2013
Screen get's "staticy" when you see slender.
For some reason, slender moves faster than other ScrollActors in the world (it seems he floats around instead of moving with the world). Creepy bug, and don't know where it came from
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 00:20:58 UTC 2013
Made each block of static a different transparancy, instead of all the same transparacy.
Updated Pic
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 00:54:42 UTC 2013
Made it easier to see slender through static.
Added FPS counter (Thanks to mjrb4)
Static not as wild anymore (easier to see everything in general)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 01:36:05 UTC 2013
Added source for help.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 01:40:13 UTC 2013
Fixed tracker to find page, and not slender
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 03:02:18 UTC 2013
Makes static sound when you see slender, louder or quieter based off of the amount of static.
WARNING: Lags the game extrememly. Not sure why this happens, but I'll see if I can fix it.
Nevermind. Only lags on my computer when I'm using greenfoot, and not on the site.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 24 03:08:34 UTC 2013
Static is louder when you first see slender.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Apr 25 22:07:10 UTC 2013
Text that tells you to find pages and how many you've collected.
Bigger world.
8 Pages to collect (all in random locations, not too close to each other or the player)
Have not gotten rid of tracker (still debugging)
You can die. Just look at slenderman for a several seconds. Still working on finishing scene.
Can mute sound (only there because school computers would crash Greenfoot if I had sound)
Option to retry if die.
Fixed bug with slenderman not moving with background.
I think that's it... I've done a lot recently.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 26 01:59:53 UTC 2013
Win cycle is nearly complete. (The only time so far where slenderman stalks you...)
Music plays while you collect the "pages". (Music from the original game)
Warning: Long load time, because of the big mp3 files I have.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 26 03:25:02 UTC 2013
Page Grabbing sound.
Updated thumbnail
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 27 23:30:13 UTC 2013
Updated win sequence.
Made it that you can turn off ambience, even in the middle of it.
I'm afraid to play this in the worry I'll die and slenderman will show up really close to the camera like in the real video game BECAUSE THAT PART SCARED ME FOR LIFE!
I'm sorry to tell you this, but that is at the end. Just close your eyes once the whole screen goes black. Also slender doesn't follow you around (yet). The only time that ending happens is if you stare at slender (right next to the spawn) and when you win (collect all the pages). If you don't like the staticy sound of the end, I'm about to update the game where it won't play if you click on the sound icon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 28 18:50:38 UTC 2013
Fixed sound glitch where death sequence would play sound, even when you muted sound
Ok. I'm fine with the sound because I can just turn it off.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 30 01:55:11 UTC 2013
Updated Pages (each have a different picture)
- Bug with pages: For some reason, they have a pink outline, even though when I open it with windows picture viewer, it shows it transparent...
Better sounding static (doesn't lag as much as it did before)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 01 03:09:33 UTC 2013
- New Intro
- Slenderman Teleports
- When you get to close and have no pages
- and/or everynow and then
- Tracker to find slenderman
- Don't worry, I will remove these in the final version. Kinda ruins the game.
@MrMason99 You run by pressing shift.
Also, I was planning on making a mouseClicked() method for the paper, but I never got to it. I started focusing on the challenge scenario for this month, but now I have a huge final project for AP Computer Science (yes, it's a game) that I'm currently working on now. I may get back to this game later, but I have classes to worry about first.
I was using the pictures that came with greenfoot until i went to make my own graphics. The picture was the one that i thought would be the best as a character, compared to the others (and wasn't already the man). I never finished the game either, so it forever stays as a phone.
Good implementation of the slender game! Although I think it's very hard to find Slender himself, because the world is so big and you move slow. You might want to increse the moving speed a bit.
And thank you for using my Scrolling World scenario (you're so far one of the few people who understood it without questions! Great work!)
Btw, to fix the bug where you can't read the pages, do something like this:
[code]int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getFullWidth()-getWidth())+getWidth();
int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getFullHeight()-getHeight())+getHeight();
addObject(new Page(), x, y);
This code assumes it is in a subclass of ScrollWorld.
Whoops, just realised, the x and y should be this:
[code]int x = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getFullWidth()-getWidth())+getWidth()/2;
int y = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getFullHeight()-getHeight())+getHeight()/2;