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Legend Of Zelda Worm

A Game based on the boss fight of the tail cave in Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening.. Avoid the Moldorm and move with the arrowkeys....

I got the graphics at

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 17 00:23:00 UTC 2013 changed screenshot
Ah, now I see why you needed help with the worm thing.


In my opinion Link's Awakening is one of the best games of all time... so i wanted to make this... there are more Link's Awakening themed games coming!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Apr 17 00:32:47 UTC 2013 Head bug fixed!
Other than the Yoshi games (obviously), The Legend of Zelda series is my favourite Nintendo franchise. It has great gameplay, plots, and the best villains ever! The DoctorProfessor is out!
oh, and cool game too. It's strangely addictive... The DoctorProfessor is out!
The Moldorm gets it's head stuck in a bend in a tail sometimes. I class that as a victory! Ha! The DoctorProfessor is out!


Moldorm is not the most intelligent creature..... =)
Still, It's a nice feeling. HA! The DoctorProfessor is out!

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