The error you're getting is the following:
at greenfoot.util.GraphicsUtilities.toCompatibleImage(GraphicsUtilities.java:218)
at greenfoot.util.GraphicsUtilities.loadCompatibleImage(GraphicsUtilities.java:200)
at greenfoot.GreenfootImage.loadURL(GreenfootImage.java:119)
at greenfoot.GreenfootImage.loadFile(GreenfootImage.java:143)
at greenfoot.GreenfootImage.<init>(GreenfootImage.java:69)
at greenfoot.Actor.setImage(Actor.java:306)
at Paul.checkKeys(Paul.java:74)
at Paul.act(Paul.java:36)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop(Simulation.java:167)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.run(Simulation.java:108)
Basically, check what you're doing on line 74 of Paul.java. Are you using the right case for specifying the image names? And have you uploaded all the images correctly (put them in the images folder?)
For us to help you more, you'll need to upload the source so we can have a look at it! Just update the scenario with the "publish source" checkbox checked.
I'd really recommend using a newer version of Greenfoot, there has been a HUGE amount added, changed and fixed since that version was released. You can lock the scenario (which prevents you moving things around) using the lock scenario checkbox, though again you may need to upgrade to get that functionality. If you were using a later version you'd also find that you wouldn't run into the image case problem since the compiler will now pick it up and tell you what the case should be.
As a comment on the scenario itself, it's also quite tall and doesn't fit on my screen all at once, you may want to make it shorter so it fits onto smaller laptop screens and suchlike.