Another point, the AI seems to get stuck (at least sometimes, perhaps all the time?) when there's just one of it's draughts left - just flashes constantly without doing anything. Is this a bug, or just a really clever tactic of taking an infinite amount of time to move so you can't win? :-)
Just played it again and it froze with two left this time. If you're having difficulty locating the problem or fixing it for some reason then just shout and we'll have a look at the source and try to help you out :-)
Very nice job, although i do see it making sacrifices when none are needed, and not taking pieces when it is safe. The double jump bug should prove tricky to fix, good luck and keep up the good work!
1) I have tried implementing a double jump method but for some reason it doesn't work all the time.
2)Sometimes the AI freezes because it there aren't any moves left for the computer to do that it thinks are safe, I've tried making a mechanism that allows the computer to register when there aren't any more available moves. For some reason the method doesn't work right so the computer thinks there aren't any moves left and does a stupid move when there actually are some safe moves. Other times the computer thinks there are moves left when there actually isn't any and causes it to freeze.
Picking up this project again, will probably see a few updates as soon as I figure out what my code does...
This project is before I started commenting my code with a passion (at least in critical areas). :D
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 01 01:47:23 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 01 01:49:25 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 01 19:59:42 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Dec 30 17:16:24 UTC 2010