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haranku16 presents ...



Project: HESAPlatformer
Developers: Harankumar Nallasivan, Erin Corrado, Suneil Parimoo, and Ajeet Mohan
Version: 2.0.2
Music: "Chipper Doodle," by Kevin MacLeod (We did not create this soundtrack. No copyright infringement is or was intended.)


Keys - Up (Jump off Slide Platform), Left (Move left), Right (Move right), Space (Energy burst to destroy meteoroid), a (Pause game music), s (Resume game music)

Elements- Slide Platform (rolls hopper down the platform), Elastic Platform (elastically propels hopper upward), Meteroid (obstacle)

BOUNCE THE HOPPER FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN AND EARN A HIGH SCORE! Avoid leaving the left side of the screen, falling in between platforms, and getting hit by meteoroids. 1 point for each Platform that leaves the screen and 5 points for every Meteoroid destroyed by the energy burst. If you do not use the energy burst, the slider on the top righthand side of the screen moves to the right, building the time for using the energy burst. The more you use the energy burst, your time for usage decreases...SO USE ENERGY BURST WITH CAUTION!

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Tags: game physics

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