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Herman presents ...



Hello! I am Herman, Hi-Q is my first Greenfoot scenario, it's a game.

I learn some Java and I like to code Hi-Q in this environment also.

Hi-Q is very simple to play, you start the game with four possible moves.
You can move a face horizontally or vertically over one single adjacent face.
The face that has been moved over is removed.
An illegal move is automatically undone.

Chances are that you finish the game with just one face... in the centre!


Author: Herman Bakker, 14-05-2009.

I make the graphics with Paint.NET, the sound with Music Maker.

Click 'Run' for a start.
Use the mouse to drag and drop a single face.
Click the 'BACK' or 'FORTH' button to scroll through the moves. It allows you to go back and move on from there!
Hit the 'How to...' button for info.

22413 views / 20 in the last 7 days

37 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game fun addicting inspiring

This scenario is a member of: Scenario showcase

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i need to make a puzzle game with greenfoot , can somebody help me?


hola bonita, check, it is there for you too :-)


The one face in the middle of the cross must be an awesome sight :D
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 10 08:57:06 UTC 2011 Right on time, I sure could use some distraction :-)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Sep 19 15:12:34 UTC 2011 Greenfoot 2.1.1 version :-)


and then there were 11 :-)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 24 05:40:16 UTC 2012 Update
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 24 05:41:46 UTC 2012 Update


I have a wooden version of this game which my grampa made in his garage, instead of faces you have marbles


Ayyy how you doin'

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