A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 10:54:22 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Improved background image scaling.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 12:13:38 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Restricted setting scrolling background when cell-size of world is greater than one.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 15:20:13 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Lifted previous restriction on scrolling background.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 15:20:53 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Lifted previous restriction on scrolling background.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 16:59:53 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Cleaned up documentation.
@MatheMagician, thank you. Kudos to lgbrf and Game/maniac as well. The same for anyone else who decides to 'like' this.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 21:39:09 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Neede to add 'removeObject(s)' methods.
I do believe this project is complete. If anyone encounters any problems of any kind, or has any concerns, please do not hesitate to leave a comment. Also, if you can think of any improvements or have any suggestions, I would like to know about them. On the brighter side, if you have any raves, or if you so feel moved to, again, please do not hesitate to post up.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 21:56:31 UTC 2012
A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use. Needed to add 'removeObject(s)' methods.
Hi there! First of all, I think this is extremely helpful and easy to use. Thank you for the upload :)
I've been trying to implement this into a platform game for college and it works perfectly until an object is removed from the game. In my case, a coin when the player collects it. I get the following error..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Actor not in world. An attempt was made to use the actor's location while it is not in the world. Either it has not yet been inserted, or it has been removed.
at greenfoot.Actor.failIfNotInWorld(Actor.java:663)
at greenfoot.Actor.getX(Actor.java:157)
at sWorld.scrollObjects(sWorld.java:202)
at sWorld.act(sWorld.java:163)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.actWorld(Simulation.java:571)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop(Simulation.java:506)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runContent(Simulation.java:213)
at greenfoot.core.Simulation.run(Simulation.java:203)
I think i have it pinned to the array in the world class, and its still trying to place the object once removed. What would you recommend to fix this?
@kiwii, re-download the source and replace the code for the SWorld class back into your scenario. I had inadvertently forget to add the overrides on 'removeObject'. They were finally added in my last update. Thanks.
@To All Who Have Downloaded This Prior To Last Update, please re-download source to correct problem with 'removeObject' situations.