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VERSION or DATE: 22.03.2009 - two human player version
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Click the Run button and play using mouse.
AUTHORS: tombud999
Updates: 22.03.2009 - Fix game ending & checking who is win.
This Congklak is build based on my limited knowledge of the real congklak game,
so the rule might be a bit different.
The Congklak board have two rows of seven small holes and two larger storage-hole.
Player's holes are the bottom row and the storage-hole on the left.
Opponent's holes are the top row and the storage-hole on the right.
The move is always clockwise.
The objective of the Congklak game is to put seeds in own storage-hole
as many as possible. The one who have more seeds is the winner.
How to play:
1. To start playing, click the Run button.
The Congklak game begin with seven seeds in each small holes,
the storage-holes are empty.
2. The player's hand are following the mouse movement. To start a move,
click over a small hole on your own side to take all seeds to player's hand.
Then move the hand clockwise over the next hole or your own storage-hole
(but skip the opponent's storage-hole), click the mouse button to
distribute the seeds on hand one by one to the holes.
Invalid move are not possible, you can only click over the next valid
hole (if you loose track of your move, just search by clicking all holes
one by one until you find the valid one).
3. If the last seed on hand is fall in a non-empty small hole, the hand will
automatically take all the seeds from the hole into the hand. Then you
can continue again distributing the seeds.
4. If the last seed on hand is fall in your own storage-hole, then it's still
your turn to start a move like step 2.
5. "Mati": If the last seed on hand is fall in a empty small hole on the opponent side,
your move is over ("mati"), it is now the opponent's turn to start a move.
6. "Tembak": If the last seed on hand is fall in a empty small hole on your side, and
the opponent small hole accross it is not empty, then the hand will
automatically take back the last seed plus take all the seeds from the opponent
small hole accross, then put them into your own storage-hole.
It is now the opponent's turn to start a move.
The strategy is to pick the good hole to start a move, so you can "tembak" an
opponent's small hole containing a lot of seeds.
But if the opponent small hole accross it is empty, then your move is over ("mati"),
it is now the opponent's turn to start a move.
7. The game is over when player/opponent cannot start a move anymore (that is, when
all small holes in own side is empty).
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