I do. Really, there is no limit built in to the game. However, if you call can(int direction); it uses the same variables described in the wombat scenario to figure out if you scroll that far out. The variables it uses to know that are the scrolly and scrollx variables at the top of the man class. You can play with these and see the result.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jul 07 18:12:07 UTC 2012
so yes ok - I got it thx =))
but the gamefigure always 'starts' in the left corner at the top... how can I change that?
so I want the figure to start in the left corner at the bottom.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jul 15 11:32:18 UTC 2012
Well, in this new version of the game that I just uploaded, you can adjust the starting position of the character by using the x and y variables of the scroller class. However, remember that the board is flipped, so that if you wanted the actor to start at 300, 200 for example, you would set the x variable to -300 and the y value to -200. I probably should post some sort of tutorial on this.
ok thank you very much ..but where and when will you post this tutorials?
by the way; are you german? because I think Mathe ... it is german, isnĀ“t it? =))
I'll probably create a word document or something and put it in the project files of my game in the next update. That way, it will be right there for anybody who downloads the code. Also, I am not German, however, my favorite book is the Phantom Tollbooth, and one of my favorite characters is the MatheMagician who has a pencil for a staff.
I couldn't find the course, since the doc folder is re-created when you look at documentation. What you need to do, is create a new folder (in the same folder as images and sounds), and put the course in there.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Aug 04 12:43:41 UTC 2012
Fixed some documentation problems.