Clear the board by: Left clicking on a square to reveal the square. Right clicking to place a flag on the square. Double right clicking to remove a flag from that square.
Just a sugestion, you have a really good working engine here, but i would make the squares with letters have white backgrounds so there is no confusion whether or not they are empty or not.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Dec 06 00:54:25 UTC 2008
I agree that it would be nicer to have white background with the letters. Grey, to me, indicates 'unknown'.
I have also run into a bug: There are some squares where I cannot set a flag. Right-clicking shows the flag, and it immediately disappears again. All squares where this happened were at the edge of the field among them all corners).
Also, I would make the flag picture a couple of pixels smaller, so that it doesn't erase the grid lines.