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Scenario –
The year is 2020, the world has been taken over by evil disease that turns people into zombies and makes them all look the same. You are one of the few survivors left and you are trying to protect you and your family. Everything seems like a normal day killing zombies, but then it all changes. You see a different looking zombie coming your way. You realize by the look of this zombie that he is the king of zombies and if you can defeat him you will stop all the zombies and your life will go back to normal.
Gameplay -
You begin the came with a 100 health. If you are hit by the zombies you lose 10 health points each time. You have to kill zombies until you reach the score of 500. While on your way to 500 if your health goes below 50 you have the chance to gain a health pack which can heal up to 100 health points. Then you will be face off against the boss. The boss is much harder to defeat than the previous enemies. The boss is fast, shoots spit which take away 20 health points from you and has 500 health points. You will need to avoid the spit and be fast to be able to defeat the boss.
Controls –
Up arrow – move up
Down arrow – move down
Right arrow – move right
Left arrow- move left
Space – shoot bullets.
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