A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-07-30 12:28:56 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-07-30 13:22:20 UTC
Em parceria entre o Pequeno Mundo e o SENAI, a equipe desenvolveu um jogo se inicia numa ilha repleta de desafios, onde o objetivo do jogaodor é resolver todas as equações matemáticas, para que assim ele possa escapar com segurança da Ilha da Matemática.
In partnership between Pequeno Mundo and SENAI, the team developed a game that starts on an island full of challenges, where the player's objective is to solve all the mathematical equations so that he can safely escape from the Island of Mathematics.
Developers: Maísa, Geovanna, Flávia, Laura, Emilly, Murilo.