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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2022-09-07 10:53:10 UTC 规则: \n红蛇:按“左”“右”键控制方向! \n蓝蛇:按“a”“d”键控制方向! \n单人游戏:得15分即可胜利!撞墙会判定失败! \n双人游戏:先得20分即可胜利!撞墙或撞到敌方会判定失败 !\n食物效果: \n苹果:加1分,且可以为自身加速!当自身速度达最高时不可使用!! \n柠檬:会给自己减速,且会减少对手的分数!当自身速度达最低时不可使用!! \n蓝色球:可加2分和增加长度!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2022-09-07 11:18:51 UTC



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