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MrCohen presents ...


Improved Jump


Left/Right arrows to move.
Space bar to jump.
Bombs and falling will defeat Pengu.


This was my first Greenfoot project as I worked through online resources and learned Greenfoot. As I progressed, I figured out how all of the objects communicate. It is not my cleanest code (and I welcome suggestions on how it could be improved) but it does add a number of features to the "jump" scenario including:
- Moving platforms
- Enemies to eat
- Enemies to avoid
- Score (if you lose) or Time (if you beat the game)
- Use of a modified Scoreboard
- Multiple levels (just 2 for now)

7422 views / 14 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game physics with-source score side scroller jump scroll scoreboard

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 18 23:35:08 UTC 2011


Work in progress. First two levels are playable. Code needs polish... Efficiency will improve in the next update:)


Nice! I watched your tutorial before making my Infinijumper scenarios; though I daresay mine is more complex - and therefore much worse, since I accomplished much less lol.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 19 14:25:59 UTC 2011 Added Level 3. Added vertical elevators (although not yet implemented). A few bug fixes and a little bit of code clean-up.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 01 12:57:01 UTC 2011 Added level 4. Added vertical moving elevators (although they don't move the Penguin perfectly).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 01 15:17:36 UTC 2011 Republished to show source code (oops!).

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