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Butterfly Game

Objetivo: Colher Néctar das flores antes que a vespa atinja e zere sua pontuação.
Cenário: Lago.
Atores: Borboleta, Vespa e Flor (Néctar).
Pontuação: Não pode zerar e se chegar até dez, você vence.
Tecla esquerda -> move para esquerda.
Tecla direita -> move para direita
Boa sorte!!!

Help the butterfly escape from its predator, the wasp.
Objective: Harvest nectar from the flowers before the wasp reaches and clears its score.
Scenery: Lake.
Actors: Butterfly, Wasp and Flower (Nectar).
Scoring: You cannot zero and reach ten, you win.
Left key -> move left.
Right key -> move right
Good luck!!!

1310 views / 14 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source butterfly oracle borboleta

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-05-11 14:25:37 UTC alterei a pontuação inicial do jogo / I changed the initial score of the game.

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