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Time Knight V2

Welcome to Time Knight!

This game combines aspects from tons of different games and also looks at time from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

You play as the Time Knight who only has a limited amount of seconds before getting sent back to his world. The object of the game is to survive as long as possible and defeat as many enemies as you can.
There are 4 different enemies and 4 different stones you can collect.


Blue Slimes:
Medium Speed and Weak health
Drop water stones (blue)

Green Slimes:
Big and slow, lots of health
Drop earth stones (green)

Orange Slimes:
Small and fast, turn sometimes, weak health
Drop fire stones (orange)

Gravity Mages
Slow and lots of health, shoot black holes (Avoid these, but they can be hit down)
Drop gravity stones (purple)

Surviving The Clock:
To keep as much time as you have, you must avoid getting hit by the enemies and especially avoid the black holes that get shot at you by the Gravity Mages.
Along with this, by combining your stones (3 water, 3 earth, 3 fire, and 2 gravity) you can ascend close to the speed of light. According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and time dilation, you will experience time normally, but time will go by slower relative to the world around you. Use this to your advantage, because when you are going that speed, your time left also decreases slower.


“W” to move up
“S” to move down
“A” to move left
“D” to move right

"Space" to swing your axe

“R” to raise your staff to cast spells
Once your staff is raised,
"1" to shoot Fireballs (2 orange stones)
"2" to Earth Slam (2 green stones)
"3" to Bubble blast (2 blue stones)
"4" to Light Speed (3 blue, 3 green, 3 orange, 2 purple)


Attackers come in gradually over the course of the game. The longer you survive, the more come so beware!

Good luck out there and have fun!


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Tags: game physics demo with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-11-26 18:00:25 UTC A couple quality of life fixes

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