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fabiososo presents ...


Fabio's Racing Game

Hi guys, I made a two player racing game (any models were not created by me) and I was wondering if I could get feedback and suggestions?
The game is fully functional as of now, and no bugs have been found yet.

2535 views / 15 in the last 7 days

Tags: race cars racing working two player mini game

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For future reference, I plan to add a timed single player mode, different difficulties (meaning that the cars go faster and there will be obstacles), there will be another race track, sound will be implemented. Optional implementations could be support for a 3rd and 4th player, multiple laps, and vehicle customization. I do hope that you all enjoy my game and leave any criticisms in the comments


the good ideas, the game is pretty cool, have you ever thought about the possibility of a player in a race competing with other cars, in the case of a machine?


this sucks lol

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