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Player is an actor we use to play in the game. It uses different procedures like collisions, death detection and shooting.
WallTop is a wall that doesn't allow you to go through it from below.
WallRight is a wall that doesn't allow you to go through it from left side.
GameOverImage is a picture with text: "GAME OVER"
StartButton is a button that creates new worl called MyWorld.
A Mover is an actor that also has 'move' and 'turn' ability. Both moving and turning are relative to its current position. When moving, the Mover will move in the direction it is currently facing. Both 'move' and 'turn' methods are available with or without parameters. The 'Mover' class is a subclass of Actor. It can be used by creating subclasses, or copied into scenarios and edited inline. The initial direction is to the right. Thus, this class works best with images that face right when not rotated. This class can also check whether we are close to the edge of the world.
Walltop2 is a wall that doesn't allow you to go through it from above.
WallLeft is a wall that doesn't allow you to go through it from right side.
NewButtonGameOver is a button that creates new worl called MainMenu.
Enemy is a NPC we use to confront an actor in the game. He can shoot and turn.
Bullet is a projectile that move forward after a player pressed the button.
Car is the trigger that move players to the new level.
An ExtraLife is an object that gives a player more lives.
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