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Sheepy McLaserbeam vs. The Lurking Lobsters

Welcome to Sheepy McLaserbeam vs. the Lurking Lobsters! Sheepy wants to kill the Lurking Lobsters and the Lurking Lobsters want to kill Sheepy. The arrow keys control Sheepy and the wasd keys controls the Blue Lobster. The spacebar activates Sheepy's laser vision and the e key allows the Blue Lobster to spawn Red Lobsters. If a laser beam hits any Lobster, it will die. If any Red lobster hits Sheepy, then Sheepy dies. If Sheepy dies, the Lurking Lobsters win; if the Blue Lobster dies, Sheepy wins. It is a two player game, however I suppose it could be one player. Enjoy!

Additional information:
-the Blue Lobster can only spawn up to 15 Red Lobsters, and the Red Lobsters move on random paths and turn around when they hit a wall
-If there are 15 Red Lobsters on the screen at the time one of Sheepy's laser beams hits the wall, it will ricochet at a random angle instead of disappear
-Posthumous victory is possible, if a Red Lobster hits Sheepy after the Blue Lobster is killed, or if a laser beam Sheepy shoots hits the Blue Lobster after Sheepy is killed!

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Tags: game

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2016-12-02 00:41:51 UTC Sheepy's individual laser beams will vanish when they come into contact with Lobsters.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2016-12-11 04:45:17 UTC Faster Movement


Every act cycle that 'e' is pressed more red lobsters spawn, so it's hard to control the amount of red lobsters that spawn per press. Either make a delay for spawning them, or make it that no matter how long you're holding the key nothing will happen unless you release the key then repress it. The sheep can only shoot to the (and face) right, so if there is a lobster on the left (behind the sheep) I can't do much, but I would probably automatically win if I make it to the left side of the screen (and hold down the space bar).


Why does the game just continue after Sheepy wins? Whenever Sheepy wins the lobster team still has a chance.

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