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Chilli_B presents ...


Mobi War v1.1

War between our mobiles, Blackberr, sony and Sumsang againt Nokia. Who is tougher, if it not Nokia are you? play to find out, find out -the way to connect people. connect people-to win the game. win the game to survive.

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IF you have played this game please leave a comment and rate it for me out of 5, i want to knw where i stand so far, please bare in mind that i only a first year started three months ago, rate my game , play it if you havent.


Hi to all of you 161 viewers of this version i invite you all to feel free on downloading, playing and leave your coments and rate it out of 5. it is now downloadable. stage 3 that ft Sony experia will be available on next version coming soon.

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